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Charleroi vede ve finále Ligy mistrů

Charleroi vede ve finále Ligy mistrů

V pátek se v belgickém Charleroi před pěti tisíci diváky hrálo první utkání finále Ligy mistrů. Domácí královský klub zvítězil 3:1 a vytvořil si dobrou pozici pro odvetu, která se hraje v německém Gönnernu 5. června.

Royal Villette Charleroi – TTV RE-BAU Gönnern 3:1
Samsonov – Grujic 3:1(4, -7, 8, 11), Smirnov – Boll 0:3 (-7, -9, -6), Saive – Roßkopf 3:2 (7, 6, -5, -9, 6), Samsonov – Boll 3:1 (-8, 8, 9, 9).

Tisková zpráva ETTU k utkání:
Favourite role confirmed! Once more the key for this success was Vladimir Samsonov. With two victories the master of the Champions League led his team to the course of defending the title most probably. For the prelude he provided the important leading point against Slobodan Grujic who fought back intensely. In the fourth game, simultaneously the last one, Samsonov had to fend off even a game point. In the second meeting Timo Boll succeeded over his dreaded opponent Alexej Smirnov, whom he did not win against since more than two years, sovereign with 3:0. After this desired result of the German guests the whole match stood on the razor“s blade. Local hero Jean-Michel Saive had a super start against Jörg Rosskopf, led quickly 2:0, and looked already like the sure winner but Germany“s table tennis icon made the equalizer. But Saive came back again and conquered in a flash a lead which he did part with any more. This leading point created a good starting point for the hosts in the next match, the highlight of the evening, ardently expected by everyone, the duel of Europe“s leading players, Samsonov and Boll. “Vladi” won a leadership at the beginning of the first game, kept it up to 8:6, but had to leave five points in series to a brilliant Timo then, however. Drama started now to develop itself purely. Samsonov succeeded in the equalization; in the third game Boll fetched two points at the score of 5:5, nevertheless went down scarcely. Also in the last game Boll led with 6:4, but Samsonov turned over the game with four points in series, and brought with a powerful spin ball at 10:9 the complete victory under the thundering jubilation of the audience. Royal Villette Charleroi has a good starting point for the return match; nevertheless, the respectable and high-class performance of the German leading club allows no victory celebration yet. Charleroi’s press chief, Jean Lafleur, agrees with this opinion: “Of course we are pleased about this clear victory, but the title does not belong to us yet. Everything is possible in such a final. Timo Boll has played excellently and also Jörg Rosskopf and Slobodan Grujic have been very strong opponents. Saive against Rosskopf and Samsonov against Boll have been two magnificent matches today which have provided great enthusiasm within the audience. Gönnern manager Torsten Märte does not want to give up: “We still have a little chance. The crucial point was the unlucky 2:3 of Rossi against Saive. If he had succeeded, then Timo would have had an easier match. He after all has conquered his dreaded opponent and then unfortunately has failed against his favourite on. But perhaps we can retaliate on the home board; with 7:9 we have a good game ratio and the tension has remained unchanged for our supporters.”